
Prerequisite Courses

Course Memo

Prerequisites: ENG103W and Sophomore standing. (Offered variably, but will be taught at least once every four years. Consult the Communication and Media Studies faculty for more information on the current rotation)

Gender and sexuality are foundational aspects of the human experience. Both shape identity, inform the ways that we communicate, and are reflected in the media we consume. This course will introduce students to core communication and media theories, terms, and events related to gender and sexuality, including those developed by feminist and queer scholars. Likewise, students will review the histories of the feminist and LGBTQ+ social movements from a communication and media studies perspective, and will discuss their enduring relevance today. Areas of assessment will include exams, the composition of an analytical essay, the curation of a commonplace book, regular reading, and regular attendance and class engagement. Analytical Inquiry and Problem Solving Capability course.